I titled this blog On Learning About Happiness. I was thinking about calling it a pursuit or seeking of happiness, but I realized that without really having a solid understanding of what happiness is, it would be hard to start seeking something not yet definable or clearly recognizable. Instead, I opted to use learning about happiness. What is happiness and where is it found? Is there a difference between happiness and contentment? There have been times in my life when I assumed that some thing or some event would make me happy. But to my surprise, that thing or event really did not. Other times I have assumed the opposite: that this career choice or location to live would really make me miserable, but I was also surprised to find that I ended up being happy. So I suppose the purpose of taking the time to sit at my computer, log on to my blog, and write is to share my life experiences, thoughts, and questions in an effort to learn about happiness and maybe gain some perspective.
To start, this little lady without a doubt can al
Aw, hurray! Now I have a new blog to add to Google Reader!